Sunday, April 22, 2012


Twelve days of work left and 16 days total! I cannot even begin to explain how anxious I am to go back to school.  I feel like my brain has turned to cornbeef itself with how many reubens I have made during my duration here at home.  I know I won't be home for a really long time and this will probably be the last time that I do live at home and though I will miss it so much I am ready for the next chapter in my life.  I am so anxious to start school (I know this is incomprehensible to those who have just barely finished finals) But stressed out learning is better than no learning!  To mark each day I get closer to this next chapter I have made a fun little countdown at my work, and so it begins-12....11....10....

1 comment:

  1. Lori this makes me a little sad and happy too. Sad because I will really miss you. And Happy that you are excited about your future. I guess it is about roots and wings. Dad and I gave you roots to hold you steady--now use your wings to fly to a wonderful future. And as you do dad and I will be your biggest fan club!
