Monday, June 17, 2013

Dadda Day!

Happy Dadda day! I am so grateful that you are my dad, I know this is a day late, but I just want you to know that I am so grateful for you, thank you so much for being such a good example for what I should expect.  Thank you for always loving me, thank you for always supporting me at whatever sport I tried or for that matter whatever I tried and thank you for working hard so I could try anything.  I love you dad and I think you are so great =)

Sunday, June 9, 2013


This weekend I was lucky enough to have Lisa come down for the weekend.  It was so much fun! I am glad that she was willing.  Well she got here around 1:30 on Friday, and I took off work early and after she dropped everything off we went straight to hike rock canyon trail.  It is an easy trail, but it was beautiful and a nice day for a walk.
 This was actually the exact spot we had taken a picture only a few months earlier...we both much prefer the sun to the snow =)

We then went back watched a movie then went out to eat at Slab Pizza, fed the little duckies at the Duck pond and later saw the Croods at the Dollar theater.
The next day we woke up early and went to a tri-stake activity at 7 peaks which is a large water slide park.  We got free entrance, breakfast and tubes so why not! We only went on a few rides, before the lines got to long and then we just floated in the lazy river.  

We mostly got around on my scooter so hence the helmet picture.

After seven peaks we came back to the house and while lisa did homework I took a long nap. After I woke up we went to Zupas for lunch! Soooo good =)

After lunch we watched a little bit of Hercules and then Lisa took a nap and I made delicious snickerdoodle cookies.
She woke up around 5ish then we took showers got read and went to the BYU soccer game with David Bradley and his roommate Brad.  It was so fun, even though Lisa and I decided that the mens team was not all that good and that Zach's competitive team at BYU-I could actually give them a run for their money, it was still a really fun game.  At half time Brad and I decided to participate in the half time activities.  It was couples relay the first relay was a wheelbarrow race (we won) and the second relay was a crab walk, let me tell you I was the fastest crab walker, I was told that by the other girls, but Brad was sooo slow and so that other guy (see video ) came out of nowhere and won but we got second and then the third race was which boy could kick the ball closest to the girl, well since Brad was a football player we lost that, but overall we got second place and won BYU bumper stickers which will be so useful for the car I do not own....
Then later that night we went country swing dancing and had so much fun! Love it! But that has been our weekend and unfortunately Lisa has to go back today, but I am so glad that she is my sister and that we could hang out this weekend =) Good memories.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"A River Runs Through It"

A couple weeks ago I went fishing with some friends next to a running river.  I am not sure if I have actually ever caught a fish my self on a moving river but for sure it has been a really long time since I fished in fresh water.  It is weird how different fishing off a boat in the sun is compared to the shore line on a river.  Fishing on a boat out in salt water you just set the line and float until you see the top of a fishing pole bob down and voila! you hooked one.  Fishing in salt water you also use live bait or at least once alive bait, but on a river you cast (usually catching a bush or tree from the shore, or maybe that is just me) but you cast with no live bait, it is just a bright colored lure with a hook.  But you cast and then as the line floats down the river you reel in slowly and somehow the fish actually fall for a little plastic lure and hook.  It is so crazy! I much rather fish off the side of a boat or the side of pier with no chance of pulling up a stick, green weeds or catching a bush on the shore, plus on a boat you just get to wait in the sun, but on a river you actually have to constantly reel.  Miss the ocean and miss the fishing trips with dad, and i miss the occasional sting ray...weird i know, but it was always a mystery to what you caught in the ocean and in a river there just aren't as many options, but again, as fun as it was i miss the normal fishing trips with you dadda!