Wednesday, June 20, 2018

May 2018

Much of May was spent waiting for the arrival of little Vivienne. I was on Naomi duty (gladly) but that meant my phone stayed on all day and all night which was always slightly anxiety inducing for me. We all assumed that she would show up weeks early! (Especially with the fact that Jessie went early with Naomi and that Jessie had her first false alarm on April 30). But much to everyone's dismay...especailly Jessicas...she did not come till almost the end of the month. So much of the time spent in May was just spent hanging out.

Being cool at the playground
Enjoying backyard fires

 Strawberry picking


Enjoying the many kittens Papa and Gigi's neighbor's cat had

Napping in the car
 Refinishing the table

Enjoying summer afternoons with Naomi

Mother's Day 2018

Walks and seeing our first turtle
 Watching Dad play baseball

 Pool Days

Ice Cream later

Then finally little Vivienne decided to debut a week after her due date! But we are all so glad she is here and that she is a part of the family!

Vivienne coming also meant Mimi got to come hang out for a couple days too!

 We also got Beckham a little train set and he loves it!

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