Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sleeping Baby

"Sleep like a Baby"

What a dumb phrase, I am not sure who came up with it but babies have the worst sleep schedule in the world, and I would know because I am currently 100% doing it along with my baby.

Beckham is three weeks old today and eats every 2.5 to 3 hours on the dot 24/7. So while that may not seem so terrible I have to  feed him, burp him and then pump before I can get some shut eye again and while I am pumping lucky little Beckham gets to go right back to sleep.

The first two weeks were fairly easy as far as him crying went, but lately due to being an infant, getting used to new stimuli and growing he tends to be a little bit fussy in the mornings, and evenings which also cuts into mom's sleep time but not his as much (though I don't think he cares so much about my lack of sleep).

It is weird, this used to be one of my biggest worries while I was pregnant, how was I going to find enough time to get the sleep one requires to carry out the day as a functioning human being. Turns out you DON'T get enough, you WON'T get enough and your body WILL adjust. It is pretty amazing how the body can function on such little sleep for 21 days consecutively. So here is to many more sleepless night and zombie-esq days!

But I would not trade any of my sleepless nights for sleep if it meant I did not get to have Beckham. The first two weeks were very hard for me, adjusting to being a mom, but every day it gets easier, even with all his quirks (especially his lack of interest in nursing) and I wouldn't go back to my 9 hour a night sleeps with a 2 hour nap in the day because being a mom to Beckham is worth it.

But here are some pictures of my sleeping baby.

Not exactly asleep, but so cute with Papa!

How did I get so lucky.

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