Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall Fall Fall

This has been the first fall that I have experienced in a really long time, probably since Atlanta when I was 9.  Savannah has many pros to it but one con it has it that it does not have 4 seasons, heck it barely has 2. So this afternoon I was fortunate to go up into the mountains this afternoon at the Sundance Resort and get a good walk around and look at the Fall season. I had forgotten how much I love fall.  Walking around in the woods with all the leaves crunching under my feet, and the familiar smell brought back a ton on memories of my early grade school years.  I would come home from school and throw on some "play clothes" (usually a sweater and an old pair of jeans) and spend hours raking up leaves with my siblings and jumping into the big piles. I love fall, it is just so beautiful and I am glad I am getting to experience it again.

oh fall..... =)

Sunday, September 23, 2012


My friend Zach came down this weekend and it was so much fun! I love spending time with him, and even though I should have been studying it was really nice to just take a weekend off. Of course I may regret that as soon as Monday hits, but as of right now I am pretty content with the weekend.
Zach got me a bean bag chair for my birthday =) Fun =)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Hog

Well I am finally sharing with everyone my somewhat recent purchase-my hog! I bought it so I could get around Provo a little bit easier and avoid going into debt with buying a car.  I absolutely love it.  It took me a while to get it insured and registered and learn how to drive it, but I got it down now and it is so much fun! It is also really nice to just get up and go over to Drew and Jess without having them to come get me or just be able to go to a friends house easily.  At first when I first had bought it I was having a bit of buyers remorse, but now I dont regret it at all.  But dont worry momma I am safe!  When I first bought it my padres brought up dumb and dumber so I have to include this clip.
Then the other night my friend and I went to get some ice cream just down the street from his house and it is definitely getting a little chilly so as we were driving back he said "Got a little nippy down there going through the pass" and i just thought that was so funny, and I imagine as fall and winter come I will feel more like that riding my "hog".

(Excuse the after church outfit)